Sonning CofE Primary School Prospectus

10 BU I LD I NG STRONG FOUNDAT I ONS FOR THE YEARS AHEAD Extra Curricular We take our responsibility to prepare children for life in modern Britain very seriously. We ensure that the fundamental British Values are introduced, discussed and lived out throughout the learning at the school. Children embrace the concepts of respect, tolerance, rules (law) and individualism with enthusiasm and compassion. Inclusion, Safeguarding and Pastoral Care The school aims to challenge children to reach their full potential. We value every child and celebrate their achievement both in and out of school. Every school has pupils with special needs at some point during their education. Therefore, a differentiated curriculum, gives every child equality of opportunity. Children with well above average abilities are closely supported and links with appropriate clubs or organisations are found to fully develop their gift or talent. PREPARING FOR LIFE As part of our “All Round Education” approach, we ensure children have exposure to a whole range of diverse experiences beyond our local community. Examples of extra curricular activities include, sporting events, a range of educational visits, music events, cultural and drama appreciation visits, special sessions with outside visitors, use of outdoor education centres and actively supporting a wide variety of local and national charities. Each class has a teacher who is concerned with children’s educational progress, personal and social development. Together with a class teaching assistant, we try to combine high expectations with a sympathetic approach. Our Mental Health and Wellbeing leader helps to advise and support families, while working in school to give children someone else to talk to, who is not their class teacher or TA. Relationship & Sex Education (RSE) is handled sensitively and recognising the differing religious approaches to the subject. The Headmaster is responsible for Child Protection procedures, helped by a named and specially trained Governor. A second Governor closely monitors E-safety. Please check-out the full inclusion, safeguarding, child protection, RSE and safety procedures on the school website. Pupils can try a whole range of new experiences, including: art, playing an instrument, Dance, Acting, Judo, Football, Netball, Tennis, Lacrosse, Archery, Yoga, Cookery, Swimming, Chess, Cricket, Pilates, Gardening and Rowing, to name but a few. 7255 - Sonning School Prospectus 2021_12pp_A4_AW.indd 10 27/01/2021 16:45