Sonning CofE Primary School Prospectus

9 BU I LD I NG STRONG FOUNDAT I ONS FOR THE YEARS AHEAD DESIGN TECHNOLOGY Using skills we have taught them creatively and imaginatively, pupils design and make products that solve real and relevant problems across a variety of contexts. HISTORY Through an enquiry approach, we aim to inspire pupils’ curiosity to know more about Britain’s past and the history of the wider world. GEOGRAPHY In geography, we pose the children challenging questions to inspire their fascination in their locality, Britain and the rest of the world. MUSIC At Sonning, we believe in the power of music and teach the children skills to appreciate, compose and perform music from past and present, from Europe and around the world. ART & DESIGN In Art and Design, the children learn key skills with which to talk about artists and designers, make choices and express their creativity. This is done using a variety of mediums. PHYSICAL EDUCATION Teaching children the skills they need to stay active, fit and healthy and develop a love of sport and physical activity is our aim! SPORT & COMPETITION We believe it is essential that all children are active have the opportunity to take part in a competitive sport. " MODERN FOREIGN LANGUAGES We teach the children to understand and respond to speakers in French and to deepen their understanding of another culture through stories and song. PERSONAL, SOCIAL, HEALTH AND ECONOMIC EDUCATION/ CITIZENSHIP We aim for our children to be active, responsible citizens, in modern Britain and the wider world. Children are encouraged to be tolerant and respectful towards others from all backgrounds and faiths. RELATIONSHIP AND SEX EDUCATION We provide age appropriate support so children to make informed choices about their relationships and bodies now and into the future. 7255 - Sonning School Prospectus 2021_12pp_A4_AW.indd 9 27/01/2021 16:44