Sonning CofE Primary School Prospectus

2 BU I LD I NG STRONG FOUNDAT I ONS FOR THE YEARS AHEAD Sonning Church of England Primary School Liguge Way, Sonning-on-Thames, Reading, RG4 6XF 0118 969 399 | | @SonningPrimary Admissions Clerk: Amanda Carne Headteacher Luke Henderson It’s a privilege and honour to lead the brilliant team at Sonning. Joining the school in January 2016, I inherited a progressive and thriving environment where the quality of guidance and the pastoral care was quite outstanding. Since then the Governors have empowered me to drive on and deliver on my commitment, ambition and determination to excel. Naturally, I want pupils to achieve the best possible academic results, but I am also passionate about delivering sporting and creative excellence. I believe the best education is built on partnerships. Effective communication between home and school is essential if the needs of each child are to be recognised and met. Parents are always welcome and we encourage close dialogue. We have regular sessions when parents and teachers meet. Our wider community including St Andrew’s church, Sonning village, alumni, partners, suppliers and friends make the school quite unique. Chair of Governors Clare Borsberry-Lewis This is a very exciting time to be in the leadership team at Sonning Primary School. With positive Ofsted and SIAMS assessments achieved in 2016 and being awarded the Gold categorisation by the Local Authority, the Governing body is bursting with pride. Significant enhancements to the delivery of the curriculum and constant improvements to the facilities are paying very discernible benefits, for both staff and the children. Our future has never looked brighter as we relish the changes in UK education strategy and push onwards to make Sonning even better. The governing body is well equipped with experienced, enthusiastic and progressive people, who really care about the school. We work closely with Luke and his senior team to push the boundaries and ensure success both today and tomorrow. I also want to thank and pay tribute to the magnificent efforts of the PTA and the Out of School Club, who both contribute massively to our school’s progression. Vicar of Sonning and Charvil The Revd. Jamie Taylor We at St. Andrew’s, the parish church of Sonning, Charvil and Sonning Eye, greatly value our historic, current and ever developing links with Sonning CofE Primary School. A good number of our church family serve as Foundation Governors, our Ministry Team visit weekly to lead collective worship and other educational programmes and we are also pleased to offer some financial support through the Ranmore Trust. I warmly commend the school to prospective parents at this exciting time of development and growth. WELCOME 7255 - Sonning School Prospectus 2021_12pp_A4_AW.indd 2 27/01/2021 16:44